
Solve A Problem / FAQ

If your issue is not addressed below, please CONTACT US.

Q. What is there is a problem with my order or I need to contact someone?

A. Please reach out to us at Our team is available Monday thru Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm EST. We will respond to your message within 1 business day. 

Q. When will my order be ready for pickup?

A. If you chose store pickup, our truck transfers orders to the stores every Wednesday.  As long as you as pay for your order by 3pm on Tuesday, your order will be ready for pickup starting Saturday that week. If you chose Warehouse pickup, we will email you when your order is ready for pickup.

Q. What if I chose the wrong location to ship my item to?

A. Please reach out to us at as soon as possible.  If your order has already been transferred to the incorrect location, it may take up to 1 week for the item to be transferred to the correct location.

Q. How can I recover a lost or forgotten password?

A. Send yourself a password reset via email.

  1. From the sign in page select the Forgot password? link or click here.
  2. Enter your email address associated with your account and click the [Submit] button.
  3. Check your email inbox. If the email does not arrive in your inbox be sure to check your junk mail folder or spam filter.
  4. Click the reset link in that email.
  5. Choose a new password.
Q. How do I change my password?

A. You can change your password at any time.

  1. From your logged in account, go to your "My Account" area.
  2. From the left hand menu, select "Account > Password."
  3. Enter your current password.
  4. Choose your new password.
  5. Save your changes by clicking the [Change Password] button.
Q. Why am I not receiving any emails?

A. If you are not receiving expected site emails, please check the following:

  1. Check your junk mail folder or spam filter for the missing emails.
  2. Make sure that your email address, in your account settings, is entered correctly.
  3. Verify that your email client, such as Outlook, is not in “offline” mode.
  4. If you use a POP3 connection to retrieve your email, please verify that the emails were not downloaded to a different computer.

     If you are still not receiving our emails, please contact us.

Q. How do I change the email address tied to my account?

A. You can change your email address by editing your account details within your “My Account” area.

Q. Why do I get a warning message that my selected username is invalid?

A. Every user must select a username for their account. The username can only contain letters, numbers, underscores, and hyphens. We recommend replacing all [spaces] with either an underscore or hyphen.

Incorrect: MY Username
Correct: MY-Username
Correct: MY_Username

Or, it says that the username selected is already in use.

Usernames are unique. Two users cannot share the same username. If you get a notice during registration that your username is already in use, you will need to select a different username.
Q. Why does it say that my email address is already in use?

A. If you get a notice that your email address is already in use when creating an account, it means that you have already created an account with us at some point. If you do not remember your login information, please enter your email address into the forgotten password form and you will be able to reset your password and log in to your account.